Q;1  Gain of negative feedback mechanism. Illustrate with examples.

Q;2  Outline the negative feedback mechanism with two examples.

Q;3   Feed forward mechanism.

Q;4   Summarize three homeostatic feedback mechanism with one example each.

Q;5  Diff b/w positive and negative feedback with one example each.



Q;1  Summarize functions of endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, peroxisomes.

Q;2  what are cilia and how do they move?

Q;3  List functions of ER-Golgi apparatus.

Q;4  What is glycocalyx and its importance.

Q;5  What are integral and peripheral cell membrane proteins? list their functions.

Q;6  In tabulated form compare SER and RER.

Q;7  Enumerate six functions of cell membrane.



Q;1  Difference between secondary and primary active transport with example.

Q;2  In tabular form ,compare simple and facilitated diffusion.

Q;3  What are carrier mediated transport mechanisms ? Comment each mechanism with example.

Q;4  Differentiate b/w osmosis, simple diffusion and carrier mediated diffusion with one example each.



Q;1  What is absolute refractory period and its physiological basis?

Q;2   Why RMP of nerve fibre is close to nernst potential of K+?

Q;3  Outline genesis of RMP.

Q;4  Draw an action potential and label its phases with changes in conductance of ions through specific chambers.

Q;5  How sodium-potassium pump behave as electrogenic pump?

Q;6  Define RMP, Why RMP is different across different cell membranes, give the physiological basis of RMP?



Q;1  Describe mechanism of contraction in skeletal muscle.

Q;2  Differentiate between Slow fiber/Fast fiber.

Q;3 Compare characteristic of signal transduction in myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers.

Q;4  Differentiate between Isotonic/Isometric.



Q;1  List the events taking place during neuromuscular transmission and excitation-contraction coupling.

Q;2  lists events taking place in neuromuscular transmission.

Q;3 What is Excitation-contraction coupling? Outline steps in walk along mechanism of muscle contraction.




Q;1 Write a note on fate of RBC's 

Q;2 Write down a note on genesis of RBC's.

Q;3 Which are the different areas of body producing RBC's throughout the stage of life?

Q;4 Explain the process of erythropoiesis

Q;5 A PBL on anemias is very important, it can include questions like:
*Differentiate between pyridine deficiency and VitB12 deficiency anemia
*Classify anemias on basis of morphology 
*Classify anemias. (describe both morphology and causative anemias)
* A clinical picture presented and asked about normal clinical values of HCT MCH MCV and asked about which anemia does it represent.

Q;6 PBL On polycythemia

Q;7  differentiate between secondary and primary polycythemia 

Q;8 Classify polycythemia.

*polycythemia is important for mcqs


Q;1  Classify WBC’s. How do neutrophils and macrophages offer defence against infection.

Q;2  summarize different stages of leucopoiesis .Comment on role of colony stimulating factors in leucopoiesis.

Q;3  How do neutrophils offer defence.

Q;4  Classify leukocytes .what is normal count of WBC's.

Q;5  Note on RES.

Q;6  Explain role of leucocytes and phagocytes.

Q;7  Name phagocytes. How do they find their prey.

Q;8  How do phagocytes offer defence? Elucidate the events in sequence.

Q;9  How circulatory antibodies protect against infection?



Q;1  How do IG’s protect the body against invading agent.

Q;2  Compare T-cell and B-cell immunity.

Q;3  How do antibodies offer defence against foreign agents.

Q;4  How different mechanisms of innate immunity offer defence, list four key points.

Role of T-cells in acquired immunity.

Q;5  A 9 year old female has nasal discharge and itching in the eyes in spring every year. She was taken to NH Allergy Centre. She was tested with grass pollens .Within few minutes she developed focal redness and swelling at test site:

1-Reason for this?

2-Mechanisms involved in symptoms and findings of test?

Q;6  T-Cell mediated immunity ,Explain.

Q;7  Role of Leucocytes in allergic manifestations in Urticaria.

Q;8  Primary vs Secondary immune response.


CHAPTER #  35 :

Q;1  How acute renal failure occurs in normal intact blood vessels.

Q;2  A note or a clinical scenario on Erythroblastosis Fetalis.

Q;3  What is cross matching of Blood?

Q;4  Maternal foetal incompatibility.



Q;1  Describe intrinsic mechanism of blood clotting .

Q;2  Why blood does not clot in normal intact blood vessels?

Q;3  Compare intrinsic and extrinsic mechanism of blood clotting.

Q;4  Compare thrombocytopenia purpura and haemophilia.

Q;5  A 2 month old baby after circumcision developed severe bleeding which was uncontrollable:

1-what could be possible reason?

2-Draw extrinsic and intrinsic pathways of blood clotting. 

Contributor: Sara Pervaiz (GR 2nd Year)
Edited by: Aiza Anwar (PD 2nd year)


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