2ndyr-B1 ANATOMY: imp questions


 part 1:

• Layers of anterior abdomen wall and its nerves, arteries, veins
• Sup. And deep fascia and attachments.
• Muscles: Obliques, transversus, rectus, pyrimadalis, learn all the contents of table attachments, nerve supply, action etc.
• ***Rectus sheath...v.imp...its formation at 3 levels...also learn a simple diagram of it.
• Visceroptosis* dont skip ,ma'am asks in substage and viva also
• Ant abdomen Wall nerves, arteries, veins
• Caval obstruction, caput medusae
• ***Ant abdomen wall lymphatics
• ***Inguinal canal,wall and contents
• Spermatic cord and contents 
• ***spermatic cord coverings.....how 3 layers of spermatic fascia is formed
• Varicocele, tapping a hydrocele
• Post abdomen wall, psoas fascia tuberculosis
• Meckel's diverticulum
• Common types of abdomenal hernias...9 types kay names
• Indirect and direct inguinal hernial diff.
• Inguinal and femoral hernia diff.
• Incisions...all of them...know the location and procedure of each incision
• ***PARACENTESIS of abdomen cavity...in midline and laterally....also fig 6.44
•  from BD...regions, intra and retroperitoneal organs, lesser and greater omentum, lesser sac, epiploic foramen, saggital and horizontal tracing, colic gutters, Recesses, subphrenic spaces  
• Greater omentum is the policeman of abdomen


• Abdomen part 2 mein (esophagus, stomach,duodenum,jejunum,ileum, ascending & descending colon,cecum,appendix,transverse & sigmoid colon,liver,gallbladder, pancreas, kidney,spleen) sabki blood,nerve supply and lymph drainage must do it
In addition to that:
• Esophagus, its 3 narrow sites, all its clinicals.ESOPHAGEAL varices are v.v.imp.
• STOMACH whole is imp. ESPECIALLY arterial supply and lymph drainage from bd and diagram from google.**a must question,  also *TROISIERS SIGN
• Nasogastric intubation 
• Duodenum...relations are imp...especially 2nd part.
• Jejunum ileum difference 
• Cecum relation
• Appendix positions
• Transverse colon relations
• Appendicitis pain, volvulus, intussusception
• ***Porto systemic anastomoses
• ***Portal vein...formation and tributaries...make a flowchart
• Liver...relations and  peritoneal ligaments
• Billiary tree, biliary colic
• Pancreas relations and ducts
• Spleen relations***v.imp
• Kidney coverings *
• Both Kidney relations with diagrams****must question
• Ureter, blood supply, relations of both ureters, most importantly COURSE OF URETER...from next chapter
• Suprarenal glands...blood supply
• Do the FLOWCHARTS OF ARTERIES AND VEINS OF POST ABD WALL  many times....use atlas for visualization. they should be on your finger tips...these flowcharts also cover your GIT blood supply topic.
• Post abdomen wall lymphatics 
• Lumbar plexus...just know to draw...ma'am kiran sometimes ask in viva and may give in block exam 

Pelvis 1
pelvix brim
False pelvis 
True PELVIS: inlet,outlet,cavity 
Pelvic wall muscles table
Pelvic Diaphragm v.v.vimp
(Our prof question) with diagram
Male and female pelvis difference...v.imp for viva+exam
Just learn Names of types of female PELVIS 
pelvic floor 
Pelvic arteries :just do all the names of all the branches


Sigmoid colon: relations,bloodsupply,nerve supply
Rectum: relations and blood supply
Ureter** male and female and course+constrictions is v.imp
Bladder relations in male and female v.imp
Bladder nerve supply.....v.v.imp

Difficulty with Micturition after spinal cord injury. HAVE A CLEAR CONCEPT, its really imp for physio also.

Do blood and nerve supply of all the male and female pelvic organs

Ovary: ligaments 

Uterine Positions***

Uterine supports...v.imp 
Do from BD chaurasia

Uterine prolapse
Vaginal prolapse.

Broad ligament ans its contents....imp

Anal triangle boundaries

Anal canal...upper and lower half difference...***v.v.imp

Anal canal relations 

ANAL SPHINCTERS: external sphincter ..do from table and diagram also

Ischioanal fossa: v.v.vimp contents and boundaries 

Internal and external haemorrhoids, positions also
Anal fissures

Urogenital triangle 
Boundaries contents 

Superficial and deep perineal space: boundaries+contents


- Gut tube & body cavity -tube on tube and formation of body cavity to be read and concept grip
 - Ventral body wall defects* do all - Diaphragm formation v.imp+diagrams and diaphragmatic hernia 
-Axial skeleton
-Do fontanelles in newborn skull
 -Cranioschisis and craniosynostosis (Scapho, brachy and plagiocephaly) 

Digestive system (V.imp) -Mesenteries, esophagus, liver, gallbladder* -Stomach and duodenum....v.imp 
-Pancreas is v.v.v.imp
-Midgut rotation, herniation and retraction (1 out of 3 is must Q in block+proff) -Hindgut is imp (artery vise and for blocks) 
-Don't leave any clinical in whole chapter (annular pancreas is very imp) 

Urogenital system (1) 
-Urinary system full is imp...don't skip anything
-In clinicals (Wilms tumor, potter sequence double ureter, abnormal loc. of kidney Bladder defects) 

Urogenital system (2) 
-Genital system (3rd block topic, but if they teach u in 1st block, then ask me)


Lip:  Vermillion zone and its epithelium
Tongue:  all papillae and epithelium 
Oesophagus: difference between  3 parts
Stomach all layer names:  and their features
All the cells of gastric glands:  name, shape, function, all features
Small intestine and large intestine cells: (better in table form from junquiera)
Large and small intestine difference very imp
Parotid and pancreas difference
Difference Between 3 types of salivary gland make a table
All acini of liver v.v.imp

tip: make a table of epithelium in which all the epitheliums are written, it will make it easy to revise. :)

=Thanking our senior for her meaningful guidance 💗

Contribution by: Zainab tasawar (3rd year)
edited by: Aiza Anwar ( publishing director)


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