1. Lumbar vertebrae shape, parts i.e transverse processes, pedicle, lamina, spinous process, foramina, ligaments, muscle attachments. They usually start with bones so prepare this well.

2. Ant. Abdominal wall layers v imp.
 Understand the concept of the fasciae and how Camper's fascia forms the dartos muscle. Also that the fascia does not extend into the thigh so in cases of damage to urethra in males, urine may accumulate in the scrotal sac but not into thigh.

3. Muscles of ant abdominal wall action, nerve supply, origin and insertion

4. Have a concept of the aponeuroses formed by external and internal oblique and structures they form. Concept is more imp than simple cramming here as it will help remember  boundaries of inguinal canal

5. Rectus sheath at 3 levels very very imp and contents.
 L1 not present remember this

6. Rectus sheath hematoma
 due to laceration of inferior epigastric Vein. One sided tenderness over rectus sheath diagnostic

7. Transversalis fascia
again just the concept.

8. Arteries and veins, nerves and lymphatics of ant abdominal wall. The drainage/origin will help if you remember with the location of each vessel/nerve

9. Inguinal canal contents and walls very very imp.

10. Spermatic Cord contents v imp

11. Layers of scrotum and Spermatic fascia 

12. Post abdominal wall muscles: usually only imp for spotting,
the fat pad and kidneys lie anterior to the muscle layer

13. Indirect vs direct inguinal hernia very very imp

14. Just go thru the topic on peritoneum from BD to have an idea and memorize the contents given. It's just imp for substage or maybe a few mcqs in block exam, not prof
15. Know the definitions and locations of mesenteries, omenta, ligaments, bursae and sacs.

16. Boundaries of epiploic foramen.

17. Why greater omentum is called abdominal policeman? 
becauseof the leukocytes that are present and because it restricts the inflamed organ by covering it to prevent Inflammation of adjacent viscera

18. Stomach parts, blood supply and lymph drainage v imp.
For nerve supply correlate the development of stomach with it i.e left vagus innervates anterior surface while right vagus the posterior surface of stomach 

19. Stomach relations imp

20. Relations of duodenum especially 2nd part.
My advice to you all is to draw the relations for all imp visceras when trying to memorize, will really help otherwise you will easily forget if you don't visualize.

21. Jejunum vs ileum differences.

22. Blood supply of all the bowel.
 Make a good concept of the branches of abdominal Aorta and their sub branches from pg 364-6. It'll be much easier to remember the blood supply of each part then.

23. Appendix common positions v.imp

24. Small vs large intestine

25. Volvulus, diverticula from clinicals
 but go through all clinicals once

26. Tributaries and formation of portal Vein v imp

27. Sites of Porto systemic anastomoses very very imp

28. Biliary Tree
just remember the entire flow of bile from liver to 2nd part of duodenum

29. Pancreas relations and blood supply

30. Kidneys relations specifically anterior relations

31. Kidneys blood supply v imp. You have to remember names of the sub branches of renal artery.
32. Structures that enter/leave kidney hilum VAUA

33. Coverings of kidneys

34. Ureter blood supply

35. Ureteric constrictions v.imp. These are the sites of arrest of any stones that might form remember this

36. Inferior vena cava tributaries 

37. Abdominal Aorta branches 

38. Lumbosacral plexus usually not asked but Dr. Kiran has asked this in the vivas so you should have an idea

〓thanking our senior  for their timely guidance.

contributor: Muhammad Ibrahim Khan (3rd year)

editor: Aiza Anwar (2nd year. PD)


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