Anatomy1st year: What to study and how?
I would say if you focus on the histology diagrams and cover all the major points of it’s labelling 1/4th of your histology is done. For the Other 1/4th of it “ALL THE BLUE TABLES IN JUNQUEIRA” should be on your finger tips. Like CELL JUNCTIONS TABLE,EPITHELIUM ETC. 3/4th of it will be done when you’ll do all the classifications (Connective tissue ,muscle, glands) and differences(white & brown adipose tissue, muscle diff etc) JUST DO EXOCRINE GLANDS CLASSIFICATION FROM
LAIQ HUSSAIN. Your preparation would be complete when you’ll do all the questions that came in the past papers (you’ll know most of them if you have done the 3/4th the way I’ve told).
(Don't worry if you don’t have Junqueira, you can the download it’s pdf)
You will have to give a lot of your time to it if you want to clear your concepts. Revise the topics the much you can.
All the topics are to be done from LANGMAN except a few which I have mentioned below.
(Structure of Placenta, and maternal fetal circulation to be done from KLM)
You need to learn the diagrams as well.
Initially you should read all the topics which you are taught. At end you can focus on the important ones but remember in viva they can ask anything so it’s better to study all the topics.
If you have clear concepts then CLINICAL CORRELATES would be very easy for you.
Chap 2 complete.(chromosomal abnormalities from slides)
Chapter 3 complete. (Uterus at the time of implantation, give it a read that's all)
Chapter 4 very important. At least you should learn the summary of the chapter if you can’t learn the whole. ABNORMAL SITES OF IMPLEMENTATION ********!
Chap 5 complete.
Chapter 6 complete (derivatives very imp for viva!)
Chap 8 (structure of placenta and fetal maternal circulation from KLM) also do the topic of twins and amnion and umbilical cord. Points for fetal size determination ****.
Rest of the topics are just for MCQs and viva.
Chap 9 ( just learn the names of the techniques for prenatal diagnoses, that’s it!) read nuchal translucency.
(You can watch Dr najeeb’s videos, osmosis or MBS MEDIAL LEC)
Gross anatomy:
Upper limb is a bit complex as compared to the lower limb. I would say SNELL’s anatomy is a good book for it. You should learn all the topics of it. None of the topic written is the Snell is less important. NETTER’s ATLAS is very helpful. When you are studying any topic for the first time you can open the diagram of it from ATLAS and write down it’s PALATE number on your course book from where you are studying it. It will save your time in finding that dig again during prof prep.
Shoulder, elbow and wrist joint*** . You should know the type and movements of the remaining joints.
Anastomoses around shoulder joint is written in BD chaurasia do it from there.
SPACES like upper and lower triangular can be done from slides.
Snell is good for spaces of the hand.
Anatomical snuff box and cubital fossa should be on your finger tips
Breast is very important ***** especially it’s blood supply, lymphatic drainage, breast carcinoma, rectomammary space and all the clinical related to it are very important and should be done from BD chaurasia. Try learning the nerve course by drawing it on your upper limb.
Nerve injuries ******.
Learn the muscle movements by practicing the movements on your self. Tip: A muscle’s origin always attracts the insertion towards itself during a specific movement.
relations of arteries are not that important but you may read them once.
Lymphatic drainage ****.
Keep in your mind all the cross sections and radiographs given in Snell. Clinical can be done from snell but if you want to have a more deeper concept of them then you can use KLM.
General anatomy:
As easy as ABC! You just have to do the two classifications of muscles written in Laiq hussain’s GA. It will be enough. Also, do have a look at the different shapes of muscles drawn there.
Good Luck!
Thanking our much talented contributor!
contributed by: Saadia Khalid (2nd year)
edited by: Aiza Anwar (Publishing director)
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