AOA juniors!!! I hope you guys are ever enthusiastic still, and not beaten down by this covid-med life  much. Vivas can be daunting and specifically the vivas in mbbs but remember technique, a strategy, and a confident demeanour are the codes to crack down any viva.

So we received your query and decided to form this post it will guide you regarding:
1. Viva pattern/ manner in which it is taken. (POST 1)
2.  And  viva questions. ( POST 2)
 As questions asked in viva can vary from person to person, based on their performance in class as well as previous record, we took multiple submissions from your seniors, so that you guys can get a larger perspective.  So I hope it helps!!


GROSS ANATOMY:  Upper limb

Viva of gross Anatomy usually starts from Bone, Dr kiran and Dr Ruqqaiya mostly ask the side determination and important landmarks on the bone, then they'll show you a model and you'll have to spot the landmarks asked by ma'am then for example if ma'am asks about median nerve, she'll ask about its course it's clinicals and then she'll jump into theoretical part and you'll be asked related to this nerve and then viva continues.

 following questions are usually asked:

1. Venous drainage of upper limb and how they form axillary vein

2. Axilla boundaries and contents

3. Cubital fossa and it's contents medially to laterally

4. Carpel tunnel syndrome and why sensory innervation isn't disturbed during this syndrome

5. Structures passing through palm space

6. Nerve supply of all muscles (imp)

7. Anatomical snuff box and ma'am will ask to show where is it located

8. Muscles of thumb, thenar and hypo thenar

9.injuries of upper limb specifically Erbs Duchene Palsy and what are the symptom and why these symptoms occur

10. axillary artery and specifically anastomosis at shoulder joint (remember the arteries that anastomose and it's branches name)

11. Names of axillary lypmh nodes

12. Shoulder joint

Contributor: Muhammad Ahmed (2nd year Cr)


1. From the pectoral region the position of the breast along with its lymphatic drainage of the breast and blood supply is asked. The origin and insertion of the muscles is also important.

2. From the Axilla boundaries and its contents are important. The different arteries originating from the 3 parts of the Axillary Artery is also asked, along with the vein that continues as the axillary vein. Axillary lymph nodes; their positioning and the areas that they drain.

3.All of brachial plexus is important, it’s roots, trunks, divisions and cords. Along with Erbs and klumpke’s palsy.

4.Rotator cuff is usually asked from the scapular region.

5.From the anterior compartment of the arm the Cubital fossa is asked, its boundaries and contents.

6.From the forearm and hand The names of the superficial and deep muscles is asked. The origin, insertion, along with the structures passing through the extensor and flexor retinaculum is important.

7.All the nerves of the upper limb; their pathway with the muscles they innervate is very important.

8.The lymphatic drainage, cutaneous innervation and venous drainage of the upper limb is asked.( For the venous drainage you start from the hand and move up towards the Axillary vein).

9.Wrist drop, claw hand and apes hand are asked, the nerves causing and the action lost due to it.

10.The anastomosis around shoulder and elbow joint is also important.

This is all from upper limb. Hope it helps you. Best of luck guys!!

Contributor: Fatima Shahid (2nd year. Distinction holder)


1. corpus luteum

2. corpus albicans
3. fertilization phases and results
4.cleavage and blastocyst formation
5. uterus at time of implantation
6. four events in the week of two's
7.  gastrulation
8. notochord formation
9. neurulation
10. neural crest cells 
11. derivatives of ectoderm endoderm mesoderm and neural crest cells
12. somite differentiation and formation
13. blood cells and blood vessels formation plus the clinical on capillary hemangioma
14. structure of placenta
15. circulation of placenta
16. function of placenta
17. spermiogenesis 
18. abnormal implantations 
19. teratomas
20. holoproencephaly
21. situs solitus, situs inversus and situs ambigus
22. neural tube defects
23. fetal hydrops
24. erythroblastosis foetalis
25. placenta previa 
26. dizygotic and monozygotic twins
27. amniotic bands
28. umblical cord
29. gastroschisis
30. omphalocele
31. amniotic fluid, polyhydraminos and oligohydraminos
32. placental changes at the end of pregnancy
33. fetal barriers during 4th week and 4th month

contributor: Muhammad Hamza imtiaz (2nd year. distinction holder)


 1 . Types of epithelium with EXAMPLES

2. Types of glands and specifically  its classification on basis of nature of secretion, morphology and their examples must

 3 . Types of connective tissue specifically examples

 4 . Cells of connective tissue (names and a brief detail)

5. Brown vs white adipose

6. Types of Cartilage and examples

 7 . Diff b/w muscles

8. What are cell junctions and classify them also give their EXAMPLES and function.

Contributor: Muhammad ahmed (2nd year CR)



1.Cell organelles - nucleus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi complex, lysosomes, peroxisomes.

2. Definition of pH, henderson hasselbach equation, concept of buffer solutions. Different types of buffers, physiological and chemical buffers. Intracellular and extracellular buffers

3. Mechanism of buffer action, table on page 19 of Mushtaq about pH of different fluids is important for viva

4. Structure and function of cell membrane (integral and peripheral proteins, lipid rafts and caveolae), types of transport across the cell membrane

5. Passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion, primary and secondary active transport with examples. Endocytosis

6. Some concept of osmotic pressure, viscosity, surface tension (do it from the slides)

7. Classification of carbohydrates with examples, Isomerism in carbohydrates (v imp), explain anomers, epimers, enantiomers, optical isomerism in carbohydrates, racemic mixtures and meso compounds, mutarotation, reactions of carbohydrates, structure and function of important carbohydrates like starch, glycogen, cellulose, fructose, sucrose, GAGs (v imp)

8. Classification of amino acids with examples, disulfide bond. Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins, with types of stabilizing bonds, typical arrangement etc. Alpha helices, beta sheets, beta bends are all imp. Structure of heme, structure of myoglobin and hemoglobin. Binding of the heme group to iron.

9. T form and R form of hemoglobin, Hb - O2 disassociation curve, allosteric effectors of Hb binding to oxygen ( O2, H ions, 2,3 - bpg, CO) Types of minor hemoglobins, sickle cell disease and thalassemia.

10. Structure of collages, Collagenopathies are important. alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency and effect on elastin, steps in heme synthesis, porphyrias, causes of different types of porphyrias, Jaundice and its types

Contributor: Imad Naeem (2nd year. distinction holder)


Active and inactive bone marrow

What is haematocrit**

Reticulocyte count**

Genesis of RBCs

Role of growth inducers. (IL-3)

Regulatory factors of erythropoiesis

Transport & storage of iron

Fate of RBCs.*

What is anaemia and it’s types.

How does sickle cell anaemia causes sickling?*

Diff btw pernicious and megaloblastic anaemia.

Polycythaemia and it’s types

Effects of anaemia and polycythaemia on the circulatory system.*

Genesis of WBCs.

Reticuloendothelial system***

Characteristics of inflammation**

Feedback control of macrophages


Effects of leukaemia

Diff btw leukopenia, leucocytosis and Leukaemia

What is immunity? It’s types? Innate immunity? What is interferon? **

What is clonal deletion?

Direct action of anti-bodies on invading agent.*

Types of APCs?

Role of MHC proteins.**

Types and functions of T cells.

Diff btw passive and active immunity.

Anaphylaxis and urticaria.

Acute and delayed effects of mismatched blood transfusion.**

What are the effects of excess blood transfusion.*

Mechanism of Kidney failure in transfusion reactions.**

Functions of platelets.**

Platelet plug formation.**

What is clot retraction and it’s significance?(Hardens the clot)*

Intravascular anti coagulants. *

Agents which blood coagulation outside the body.

Lysis of blood clots.

Role of vit K in activation of clotting factors.

Haemophilia & it’s types.**


Normal value of RBC count, WBC count and platelet count. **

Contributor: Saadia Khalid (2nd year. Distinction holder)


As viva’s are taken by the HOD and an assistant professor, we are lucky enough to  be provided with an amazing guide by one of your kind seniors on as in how and which topics are usually the favourite of which of the teacher taking the vivas so do give this importance too!!



2)Types of cell in blood (leukocytes)

3) HOW THE MACROPHAGES ATTACK any outside body



6)WHAT IS BASIC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BLOOD Rh blood group and AB blood group.

7)what is inflammation

8)Normal RBC,WBC count Normal MCV

Ma’am SADIA:

1.neuromuscular junction in detail

2.smooth muscles vs skeletal muscle difference mechanism positive vs negative feed forward

4.golgi apparatus and cillia function and composition

contributor: Areeba nawaz (2nd year )

Thanking all our contributors for their kind and valuable guidance :)
edited by: Aiza Anwar (publishing direc.)


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