Chapter No.9

1.       Name six events occurring in cardiac cycle.

2.       Draw and label left ventricular volume changes in cardiac cycle.

3.       Define cardiac output. What are its determinants and how is it regulated. (CH#20)

4.       Describe Frank starling mechanism in heart pumping.

5.       Define cardiac cycle and enlist different phases. During systole and diastole. Outline pressure and volume changes in left heart pumping.

6.       Why cardiac muscle does not keratinize?

7.       Define preload and afterload.

8.       Define Ejection Fraction and end systolic volume.

9.       Explain role of atria in ventricular filling.

10.    Enlist properties of cardiac muscle.

11.    Explain Parasympathetic and Sympathetic regulation.

12.    What is Tetanization of heart muscle?


Chapter No.10

1.       How is cardiac impulse generated in SA node and spreads through conductive system of heart?

2.       What is pre potential? Draw and label different phases in action potential of SA node and ventricular muscle fibre.


Chapter No. 11

1.       Draw and label normal ECG

2.       What is importance of ST segment?

3.       Draw and label waves Segments and Intervals in ECG.

4.       Electrical events during:

a.       P wave

b.       PR interval

c.        QRS complex

d.       QT interval

e.       ST segment


Chapter No. 12

1.       What are abnormal ventricular conditions that causes Axis deviation


Chapter N0. 13

1.       Enlist changes in 3rd degree heart block.

2.       Stokes Adams Syndrome

3.       What is AV block and ECG of 3rd degree block?


Thanking our contributor: Muhammad bilal zafar (2nd year)




1.       Define cardiac output, determinants and regulation. (v.v.v.vimp)

2.       A 26y old soldier having good health and non symptomatic. His pulse was 80/min. BP 120/80, on auscultation splitting of heart sounds was detected.

i.                     Is splitting of heart sounds normal?

ii.                   What is mechanism of splitting of heart sounds in this case

iii.                 How 2nd heart sound is produced, in which phase of cardiac cycle it is heard

3.       A 50 yr old  obese male visits his family practicioner for family check up. He complains of fatigue, occasional muscle cramps and headache. He doesn’t have any other medical problem. On examination his bp was 160/104 mmHg. He had high plasma cholesterol level he is diagnosed having atherosclerosis and essential hypertension

i.                     What is essential hypertension

ii.                   Determinants of bp

iii.                 Suggest possible mechanism related to increase in systolic and diastolic BP in this patient

4.       Difference between active and reactive hyperemia (V.v.imp)

5.       What is angiogenesis and its role in control of local blood flow

6.       Outline starling equilibrium existing across capillary membrane

7.       How is coronary circulation regulated

8.       List compensatory mechanism in hypovolemic shock

9.       A 68 year old man comes to his physician complaining of tiredness and difficulty in sleeping after having an episode of MI of left ventricle 6 months back. He reports that he is able to sleep better using pillows to elevate his chest and head but gets up at night with shortness of breath. On examination pulse is 80 per min, BP is 100/70, BMI is 29. A third heart sound is evident. Auscultation revealed crackles at level of lung. ECG revealed ejection fraction 40%. CCF is detected.

i.                     5 findings that support CCF

ii.                   Pathophysiology

iii.                 Why there is 40% ejection fraction

10.   A man of 60yrs age was brought to emergency with severe chest pain radiating to left arm and neck. On ECG he was diagnosed of inferior wall infarction. Ejection fraction is 30%, end systolic volume is 100ml.

i.                     Enlist ecg changes in this patient

ii.                   Ejection fraction and end diastolic volume?

iii.                 Why ejection fraction is low

11.   Name determinants of arterial blood pressure. Summarize long term regulations. (v.imp)

12.   Write a note on

i.                     Starling equilibrium

ii.                   CNS ischemic response

13.   Factors affecting & promoting venous return

14.   Compensatory mechanism for shock

15.   A 45 yrs old man suffered MI which resulted in damage to papillary muscle in left ventricle of heart. This caused dysfunction & valve regurgitation resulting in left ventricle of heart. It leads to pulmonary edema and kidney failure.

i.                     Which valve developed dysfunction and how?

ii.                   Change in CO relative to BP & outline its mechanism

iii.                 Role and link of pressure dynamics & capillary filtration associated with pulmonary edema

16.   Write a brief note on acute control of local blood flow

17.   Enlist factors affecting stroke volume

18.   Write a note on

i.                     Baroreceptor reflex

ii.                   Cushing reflex

19.   Define cardiac failure. Outline 3 factors that reduce cardiac output

20.   Note on edema and factors preventing edema

21.   Write a note on CNS response to exercise

22.   Enlist sympathetic reflex involved in short term regulation

23.   List responses of vasomotor center to decreased MAP.


Thanking our contributor: Muhammed ahmed (2nd year CR)

edited by: Aiza Anwar (publishing director)


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