1stYr-B3 physiology imp questions
Summarize respiratory changes during exercise and how is oxygen debt replenished after exercise? (v.v.imp)
Write a note on cough reflex
What is dead space and its effect on alveolar ventilation
Difference between anatomical and physiological dead space
Define transpulmonary pressure, pleural pressure and alveolar pressure
What are various lung capacities?
Draw a spirometry and label different pulmonary volumes
Define different zones of pulmonary blood flow
Write a note on pulmonary edema and its causes
Define pleural effusion
Why there is negative pressure in pleural fluid
O2 and CO2 conc and partial pressure in alveoli (MUST FOR BASIC KNOWLEDGE)
Define respiratory unit
What is respiratory membrane made up of? What is diffusing capacity and factors affecting exchange of gases through this membrane
Write a note on ventilation perfusion ratio (v.v.imp)
Write a note on transport of O2 in the blood (V.imp)
What is oxygen haemoglobin dissociation curve? Draw it and enumerate factors shifting the curve to right/left
Draw oxygen haemoglobin dissociation curve showing % oh hb saturation at diff partial pressures of O2
How carbon dioxide is transported to blood
Define bohrs and Haldane effect
Define p50 value. What will happen to p50 during right and left shift of curve.
Briefly explain chemical chemical control of respiration through central chemoreceptors
What are peripheral chemorecptors and explain chemical chemical control of respiration through peripheral chemoreceptors
Enlist diff group of neurons in brain stem that are responsible for automatic control of respiration.
Components of respiratory center? Role of dorsal respiratory group
Briefly explain how 2 groups of neurons of respiratory center control labored breathing
How is breathing affected by hering breurer’s reflex
Draw and label spirogram. What is significance of FEV1/FVC ratio
Enlist 4 causes of restrictive lung diseases and two changes in pulmonary function test with restrictive lung disease
How would a restrictive lung disease leas to dyspnea
Define (a) Cyanosis (b) hypercapnia
Define hypoxia . give its types with example of each
CHAPTER 44 & 45
Define weightlessness in space.
Enumerate types of hypoxia. Briefly explain hypoxic hypoxia
How land landers are diff from natives of high altitude
What are hazards at high altitude (v.imp)
What is decompression sickness? How it affects body? How does it affects a diver
What is AMS? How it can be prevented
List physiological changes of weightlessness in space
Write a note on
Oxygen toxicity in divers
Decompression sickness
What is mechanism of development and prevention of decompression sickness
Thanking our contributor for his timely contribution.
Contributed by: mohammed ahmed (CR 2nd year)
Edited by: Aiza Anwar (publishing director)
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