Pattern, Study sources, and tips- 3rdyear




1.pharmacology (major)
🔘total marks for theory; 150
45 marks (internals)  105 marks (final proff)
for final proff marks (105) distribution;
35 marks (mcqs) 70 marks (SEQs written)

🔘total marks for practicals; 150
45 marks (internals) 105 marks (final proff)

2. pathology (major)

🔘total marks for theory; 150
45 marks (internals)  105 marks (final proff)
for final proff marks distribution;
40 marks (mcqs) 60 marks (SEQs written)

🔘total marks for practicals; 150
45 marks (internals) 105 marks (final proff)

3. forensic medicine (minor)

🔘total marks for theory; 100
30 marks (internals) 70 (marks final proff)
for final proff marks (70) distribution:
25 marks (mcqs) 45 marks (SEQs written)

🔘total marks for practicals; 100
30 marks (internals) 70 (marks final proff)


Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology Examination and Board Review Book

(slides have important key points for you guys for Dr.ayesha and for Dr.imrana the slides would be enough, but you guys should still purchase the book)

Robbins Basic Pathology
Book by Ramzi S. Cotran, Stanley L Robbins, and Vinay Kumar

(majorly slides would be enough for you guys, as slides are major source but a few topics in the book can improve your answers)

Medical Microbiology & Immunology
Book by Ernest Jawetz and Warren E. Levinson

🔘 Forensic Medicine
Gautam Biswas Forensic Medicine

MCQ guide:

for pathology and forensic, the MCQs of preannuals and blocks are majorly repeated so make sure you guys go through those well, make a point for every friend to remember 1 mcq and compile it after papers so at the end of the year atleast you guys can save those.
for pharma they're not as much repeated but a few are still repeated in the finals.

THEORY guide;

for theory the key points are given in slides for a few teachers and the LO's provided by each teacher before the topic are absolutely enough if you guys manage to learn just those topics it would be great!!
for forensic, you might not get as much marks as you expect, you almost alwasy would get slightly less amrks in forensic as compared to the other two subjects. because forensic's has this topic of medicolegal where you've to write the definitions word to word, and you cant change any of the text in your own words hence gets a bit tricky to gain marks in the subject.
also try and make sure you do each subject's study day on day and dont leave anything pending, if you do that then third year would be quite an easy year!!

VIVA and OSPE guide;

usually viva's and ospe's go really smooth, as you guys would be elaborated before for these definitely,  and they also have repeating questions in viva as well as ospe, so make sure you guys remember from  the start for every subject all the questions asked. 


1. concept:
try to make your concepts as strong as you can amke them, go in depth and search the whys and basics of a drug, if you understand the working of the drug you would not have to cram it.
2. mechanisim of action:
it's very important to learn the mechanisim of action of a drug because if you understand its biochemical basis of actions then its effect becomes easy to grasp. it alters physiological function:
if you know the mechanisim of action of drugs, only then you can apply it and learn how it alters the physiological function.
4. do the topic day by day:
make sure to do pharma per day, the more topics you procrastinate upon, the more amount would be there to cover at the end which is pretty impossible to do, so dont make the same mistake everyone makes and dont be lazy, do atleast this one subject daily.
5. make mnemocis of classifications and adverse affects:
assign one table of classification and adverse effect to each friend and make mnemonics for it, only way to learn it for long term is this.
6. discuss it with a friend:
the more you discuss pharma the better you understand it, so make sure you discuss it weekly or daily with your friends to get a better grasp on the topics.
7. tutorial tests;
like a cbl test of 20 marks, these are imp questions so study for them as they go buy
8. practical/ospe; ( pretty easy guys dont fret too much)

=5 minutes per station 1 rest station and time to revise after paper too
=6 marks for practical copy 

=observed stations (2x8marks each);
*no performance on frog and rabbit only ospe and one station for determining the effect of a drug 

=non-observed stations (7x5marks each)
*one station for graph making of dosage response curve of a drug
*one station for calculations from book, it's exactly the same and have marks for steps
*for biostatistics, formulas and definitions are important
*one station on route of administration and dosage form
*prescription writing and P-drug station

=for viva total marks; 48 

24 marks for each teacher, dr.ayesha and dr.imrana

thanking our senior for his timely and detailed contribution
contributed by; Ibrahim khan(4th year)
written and edited by; Aiza Anwar (3rd year)


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