Substage 2nd Yr B1 (Pt.2)


2nd Year Substage Block 1 (pt.2)


>> Make a Chart/Table of blood Supply, lymphatics and nerve supply of all abdominal and pelvic organs

>> You don't have to memorize all the relations of organs, just visualize all the relations so that you can have a concept of positioning of Organs. Just memorize the imp Relations.

>> Link of Chart of blood ,nerve supply of organs and imp clinicals is attached at the end of blog

Abdomen (Portal Vein):

>Portal Vein;

Formation and Tributaries of Portal Vein (v.imp)

Portosystemic Anastomosis--- 4 sites; tell its portal and systemic tributary too. (V.imp)


Relations of liver

Spotting of lobes of liver on model

Peritoneal reflections of liver (imp); Dr.hina usually asks to hold the model of liver and mark the origin of ligaments of liver and lesser omentum.

>Biliary Tree:

General concept of formation of biliary Tree

What is Sphincter of Oddi

Biliary Colic

Colecystectomy (imp clinical term)


Relations of pancreas and ducts


Relations of spleen

Blood Supply (imp)


Coverings of kidney (v.imp)

Both kidneys relations (v.v.imp)


Constrictions of ureter

Blood Supply of ureter (v.v.imp)

Course and relations of ureter

>Suprarenal Gland;

Blood Supply

>Posterior abdominal wall;

You should know concept of its arterial and venous supply

>Lumbar Plexus:

Dr Kiran sometimes ask it in viva


Pelvis 1;

What is pelvic brim

False and true pelvis

Muscles of pelvis (Table 8.1)

Pelvic Diaphragm (v.v.imp )

Male vs female pelvis (also names of female pelvis)

Pelvic Arteries (visualize all the concept of arterial supply; memorize true pelvis arteries-->asked in viva)

Pelvis 2:

Volvolus, colonoscopy, colostomy,rectal cancer, diverticula (mostly asked in Substage)

>Sigmoid colon:

Blood Supply


Blood Supply (v.v.imp)

What is significance of blood supply of rectum (proffs question) hint: hemorrhoids


Constrictions and course of ureter

>Urinary Bladder:

Blood Supply

Atonic and automatic Bladder



>Prostate Gland:

Lobes of prostate and which lobe is prone to BPH (v.imp)

Zones of prostate (v.imp) and in which zone cancer and enlargement occurs (it came in our proffs McQs )


Spotting of ligaments of Ovary on model (esp round ligament and suspensory ligament gets confusing sometimes so practice its model)


Uterine positions

Uterine Support (v.v.imp)

Uterine and vaginal prolapse

>Broad ligament:

Contents and spotting on model


Boundaries of Anal Triangle

Difference of upper and lower Anal Canal (v.imp)

Relations of Anal Canal (external asked this in Proffs' viva)

Difference between internal and anal Sphincter; parts of external Anal Sphincter too

>Ischioanal Fossa

Contents and boundaries (v v imp)


Difference between internal and external hemorrhoids

Anal Fissures

Anal abscesses

>Urogenital Triangle

Boundaries and contents

>Superficial and deep Perineal Spaces

Boundaries and contents

(Esp contents of deep Perineal pouches in male v.v.imp)


Thanking our contributor: Muhammad Ahmed (3rd Year)

Edited by: Aiza Anwar (Publishing Director)


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