

                                                      (General Guide, IMP Questions, Clinicals)


(General guide and Imp Questions for each Chapter. Imp clincals are written at the end)

Chapter 1-3

Just an intro to NeuroAnatomy. Give it a read and you're good to go .

Chapter 4

General Guide: 

(Do All the ascending tracts, from descending tracts; corticospinal tracts are very frequently asked. You must be able to remember the diagrams of these tracts to remember from where it decussates etc)

Imp Questions:

Draw a transverse section of spinal cord showing general arrangement of  ascending and descending tracts. (Fig 4.11)

A 65 years old man presented with loss of discriminative touch on right side of his body. He was diagnosed with lesion of posterior white column.

a. Trace tract present in posterior white column

b. What other functions are carried out by this tract.

What is cause of poliomyelitis? What are signs of lower motor neuron lesion?

Explain the pyramidal tract, also describe the clinical signs produced as result of it's lesions

Which tract of spinal cord is involved in pyramidal tract lesion? Write down main features of this tract lesion

Discuss in detail the lateral corticospinal tract.

A person is unable to differentiate between hot and cold objects. Name the spinal cord tract involved. Trace the pathway of this tract and list 1st, 2nd and 3rd order neurons

(Table 4.2)

Scenario showing hemiplegia in emergency

+ Explain pathway of corticospinal tract

+ which clincal sign would be attributed to an interuption of corticospinal tract.

A patient presented with loss of pain and temperature on one side of his body. Name the tract of spinal cord involved and give it's origin, course and termination

Scenario showing loss of two point discrimination, vibratory and conscious muscle joint sense ipsilaterally.

Name tract involved in this case 

Trace pathway of tract involved

Chapter 5

General Guide:

~Remember all the bony landmarks of Ant, Mid, Post cranial fossas' Most importantly remember all the imp openings and structures passing through skull (Table 5.1). It's the most fav question of examiner.

~ external features of medulla, pons and midbrain are asked in viva

~ Cross Sections are the most imp. 

Imp Questions

Draw and label section of mid brain at level of superior colliculus

Draw and label section of caudal portion of pons at level of facial colliculus

Draw and label section of medulla oblongata at level of inferior olivary nucleus also showing the exit of hypoglossal nerve

Draw and label section of medulla at level of decussation of medial leminiscus. What is cause and symptoms of lateral medullary syndrome.

Draw and label section of mid brain at level of inferior colliculus.

Chapter 6:

General Guide: 

Gross Appearance,Intra cerebellar Nuclei, and afferent/efferent fibers, asked in viva and ospe. 

Imp Questions:

No such Questions come from it ;)

Chapter 7

List fibers present in different parts of internal capsule

Name various types of fibers present in white matter of cerebral cortex. Explain the structure of corpus callosum

Chapter 8

Write down any 5 functional areas presented in frontal lobe with exact location of each

A 53 year old man presented with expressive aphasia. Name the cortical areas present in frontal lobe with location of each area 

Explain areas present in temporal lobe along with their location and function.

Give an account of speech areas present in cerebral cortex keeping in mind their location and functions.

Chapter 9


( asked generally in viva, also have it's good concept bcz you have to do it in physiology too which is imp)

Chapter 10


(Basal Nuclei are most fav for ospe, and have it's good concept for physiology)

Chapter 11

G Guide: 

( Most imp CNs are 3,5,7,9,11. But remember Cranial Nerves are Clinically Very imp. Also Dr Kiran asks each and every Cranial Nerve in Viva. Whether it's vestibucochlear or olfactory. So you must have Good concept of every nerve)

Imp Questions:

Enlist the trigeminal nerve nuclei and briefly describe the intra cranial course of each 

What is trigeminal neuralgia

Name facial nerve nuclei with their location also discuss incoming and outgoing fibers of these nuclei. Why the muscles of upper part of face are spared in case of upper motor neuron lesion of facial nerve?

A 60 year old man came to an eye optician with loss of vision in right eye

+ Trace the optic pathway from optic nerve to visual cortex

+ Describe effects of lesions at following along the visual pathway of right eye.

(i) section of right optic nerve

(ii) section of right optic tract

(III) midline section of optic chiasma 

(iv) section of right optic radiation

Write down origin of olfactory nerve, how does olfactory afferent pathway differs from other sensory pathways?

Nuclei and Pathway of accessory Nerve

Explain corneal reflex.

Chapter 12. 


(Table 12.1 is very imp for McQs and Viva)

Chapter 13.

G Guide:

( Afferent/Efferent nervous connections and main hypothalamic nuclei functions table 13.4 are imp)

Chapter 14

General Guide:

(Some Students just do it from General Anatomy, but it's concept is very imp. As I'm realizing it in pharmacology that Ans Pharmacology is very easy if you remember it's anatomy. )

Imp Questions

Describe briefly the efferent outflow of parasympathetic nervous system.

Write down name and anatomical location of preganglionic neuron in ANS.

Chapter 15

G Guide: 

(Very important for Viva and McQs, esp in Substage)

Imp Questions

Contents of canvernous sinus

Chapter 16

List structures forming the roof and floor of fourth ventricle.

Write short note on floor of 4th ventricle

List structures present in anterior and lateral wall of 3rd ventricle

Give boundaries of 3rd ventricle

What are different components of diencephalon

Describe the boundaries of inferior horn of lateral ventricle

Describe all boundaries of lateral ventricle

What is subarachnoid cistern? List the sub arachnoid cisterns present in brain

Chapter 17

Draw and label circle of Willis

Draw lateral and medial aspects of cerebral hemispheres showing arterial supply of cerebral cortex.

Arterial supply of spinal cord

Imp Clinicals for Neuroanatomy;

+Epidural and subdural hemorrhage

+pyramidal tract lesions vs extra pyramidal tract lesions

+Blood Brain Barrier


+Parkinson's Disease

+Alzheimer's Disease

+Upper motor neuron vs lower motor neuron

+Bells palsy

+Lateral and medial Medullary syndrome



+ Aphasia (Expressive, Receptive,Global)

+ Cogwheel rigidity

+ Tabes Dorsalis

+ brown sequard syndrome

+ Arnold Chiari Malformation (was given in ospe)

Written By: Muhammad Ahmed (Batch 5)

Edited By: Imad Naeem (Batch 5)


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