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AIZA ANWAR (Publishing Director and founder 2020-2024) Aoa everyone!! My goal and journey has always been to learn better and find best ways to acquire a tough situation and life in general. Us medical students are set to be the cream of the nation as many people will refer to you guys as now too, this journey of medical school is not an easy one and with such tough studies at hand if one gets the best guidance and support system from their peers then the journey seems a little less dark.   Trust me when I say this that you'd have to carve your own path and your own journey of curiosity and brilliance but  as a student of FMC I wanted to do as much as I can to add into the excellence of our institution  and the best way is to  lift up your peers alongside  your own path , therefore we at medaviators will try our best  to provide you guys as much help as we can to give you a clear outlook on the FMC LIFE and the medical journey. If you guys want guidance upo...

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